12-28-2002, 07:36 AM
Flashers have been around since at least 1975 when I bought my first one. Everyone else has it right, the main difference is the sample and display rate. The sample rate of a typical low cost LCD is 1 or 2 times per second at the most. A flasher may sample 40-60 times a second. The second difference is in the time it takes to process and display it. Since a flasher is just a light beam it is displayed instantly. A LCD may take up to second or more to process and display what it sees.
With a flasher what you see displayed is what is happening at that moment, an LCD may take a second or two to display it. Now I'm no Al Linder but it takes me a couple of seconds to react to what I see anyway. The divantage of a flasher is there is no record of what happened. For instance, you reached for another cool one when the fish alarm goes off, you look over and on the LCD you see a big fish swam by at 23 ft. On a flasher you would have to be looking at it at the instance it happened.
I too use an LCD now because they do almost all the things flashers do a little slower. Thats ok with me because I'm a little slower too. Besides. batteries are cheap.
With a flasher what you see displayed is what is happening at that moment, an LCD may take a second or two to display it. Now I'm no Al Linder but it takes me a couple of seconds to react to what I see anyway. The divantage of a flasher is there is no record of what happened. For instance, you reached for another cool one when the fish alarm goes off, you look over and on the LCD you see a big fish swam by at 23 ft. On a flasher you would have to be looking at it at the instance it happened.
I too use an LCD now because they do almost all the things flashers do a little slower. Thats ok with me because I'm a little slower too. Besides. batteries are cheap.