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A disturbing story from Kodiak this month
I think is was a matter of two injustes, one a poorly packaged round, meaning shess were now rapped in fome and juggling around in a suit case. and the other was the total disregard to personal property by the luggage handling department who have been caught throwing any thing not insured around carlessly.

It dosnt take much to jar a box of rounds open and should the point end of one round get rammed in to the primer of another while being thrown about then you have an explosion in hand, not much more than a large fire cracker because with out a barol to contain the direction of the eplosion it goes in all directions.

the fact that there were no axidents leads me to beleive that the round ever left the suit case. the airport knows not to thow gun cases but fail to understand the value of safely handling personal luggage.

so the moral of the story is to better rap your runds so they cant fall loose and juggle around in travel even rap them in buble or fome rap if you are going to place them in personal travel case and for the air port to treat packages with care, you never know what is inside of them.

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Re: [BEARCLAW] A disturbing story from Kodiak this month - by davetclown - 12-06-2005, 12:19 AM

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