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If it was trout they (DWR) would replant....

Sorry Fuzzy, I am not impressed with 8-9 inch father has a perch on the wall that weighed closed to 3 pounds (caught from Fish Lake not long after they were originally introduced in the early 80's). When was the last perch you caught in Fish Lake that even came close to two pounds let alone three?[/reply]
Anyone that walks into the Southern Region Offices can see this fish...

Here's a question for those asking about planting chubs in Starvation:

Why should the DWR plant forage fish to support a predator that was illegally introduced and caused a good fishery to crash?

Another concept that many people dont understand is carrying capacity. Lakes are similar to buckets. You can only fill the bucket with so much. Once it reaches it's capacity, you can't add more to it. For example, look at Yuba. The walleye do fantastic as long as there is ample forage, and space, for both to exist. The walleye eventually wipe out the forage, and overpopulate until the bucket (Yuba) is full of walleye. How do you add more forage to the bucket, if the bucket is already full of walleye? Once a lake reaches carrying capacity (or a river, like the Provo), you have a problem. Adding more fish to the problem doesn't fix the problem. You MUST have something in place to control those populations. In some places you have poor spawning habitat that limits recruitment. In other places you have winterkill to limit populations. Other areas rely on predation from either animals or humans to curb populations. Stocking is another way to limit the number of fish. But, when you have a fish like Walleye in a lake like Yuba, you have NO control over the population. Same thing with Starvation. Again, adding MORE fish to the equation doesn't fix the problem. The bucket is already full.

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Re: [wormandbobber] If it was trout they (DWR) would replant.... - by PBH - 12-16-2005, 03:25 PM

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