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If it was trout they (DWR) would replant....
I know exactly where perch spawn...walleye are a big reason for the boom and bust at Yuba because at some point they eat out their prey and continue to, soon you have no prey for the walleye and tons of walleye/predators. Eventually, because the predators have no prey and their numbers increase and increase and increase, the fishing goes bust for the predators, they die, and the prey start coming back. You are absolutely right, no cover means missing year classes in fish..that is why the DWR does these habitat projects where they put artificial habitat into the hopes that the perch can successfully spawn and reproduce without the youngins getting munched by predators. Predators and their prey work together to establish and equilibrium; this equilibrium is constantly thrown out of whack when the prey cannot keep themselves established because of habitat problems with their recruitment and their ability to hide from prey. Walleyes are most definitely a part of the problem as is recruitment, like you mentioned.

I resent the fact that you are calling me close-minded and hinting that I am undeducated...not only am I college educated, but I spent the first part of my college education studying fisheries biology. I know something about our fisheries and how they work because i have spent my entire lifetime learning from biologists who work on these fisheries and are constantly studying them.

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Re: [CROSSINEYES] If it was trout they (DWR) would replant.... - by wormandbobber - 12-16-2005, 04:55 PM

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