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If it was trout they (DWR) would replant....
Well I guess if it's a waste of time to stock non-native fish...the DWR should refrain from stocking...Rainbows, Browns, Brook trout, Tiger trout, Lake Trout, Kochani, Wipers, Sunfish, Catfish, Tiger Muskie, Muskelunge, and Northerns among others, thus saving the division millions of dollars in hatchery and transport fees.

To make it easier for those purists who want to keep everything native...this means the DWR should direct their resourses and your dollars toward stocking ONLY the native fishes of Utah. These would be...Bear Lake Whitefish, Bonneville Whitefish, Bonneville Cisco, Bonneville Cutthroat, Colorado River Cutthroat, Mountain Whitefish, Utah Sucker, Longnose Dace, Mottled Sculpin, Mountain Sucker, Paiute Sucker, Paiute Sculpin, Redside Shiner, Speckled Dace, Utah Chub, Bony tail, Colorado Pike Minnow, Humpback Chub, June Sucker, Razorback Sucker, Virgin River Chub, Woundfin, Least Chub, Virgin Spine Dace, Bear Lake Sculpin, Bluehead Sucker, Desert Sucker, Flannelmouth Sucker, Leatherside Chub, and last but not least the Roundtail Chub.

Not many game is there in this Native list...but they're the native fish. Soooo... if some as they pointed out Utah should go native...
this is where your dollars should be going.


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Re: [hedgesd] If it was trout they (DWR) would replant.... - by bassrods - 12-18-2005, 04:22 AM

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