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American Falls 2/7/06
From 11:45am-4:30pm I fished American Falls in the same area that I did Friday. Ice was 4.5"-5" is all of my holes today which is an improvement when compared to the Friday were I was mostly walking on 3" of ice. Friday there was open water about 2 miles from the dam, today there is open water less than a mile from the dam.
I would say the fish were about as active as they were the other day but I had my little girls with me so I wasn't as effective at catching fish as I could have. Fortunatly I only lost one fish instead of over half of the fish I hooked. All seven rainbows that I caught were 17"-20" (put a tape on 3 of them).
I saw three other fisherman. One came as I was leaving. Two were fishing in the same area as me and fished about 4-5 hours each. They each caught one rainbow. One of their fish was 26" long and had a 16" girth[shocked]. I would guess it may have gone 8lbs.
I'm sure I left out a couple things but I only have time for a 5 minute report at the moment. I'll try to get back out there before sunrise tomorrow and fish for a couple hours but I'm busy with other stuff so I'll see if I have time.

Messages In This Thread
American Falls 2/7/06 - by BrianID - 02-08-2006, 02:22 AM
Re: [BrianID] American Falls 2/7/06 - by BMURR - 02-08-2006, 08:02 PM
Re: [BMURR] American Falls 2/7/06 - by BrianID - 02-08-2006, 08:30 PM

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