02-14-2006, 01:10 AM
All the previous replies are honest and true, however, there is but a single species of fish that is 100% balls the entire fight until he's landed and in the boat, and most of the time even after he's in the boat, GROUPER. The more notorious Grey Grouper and Warshaw Grouper, are probably responsible for more broken lines than most any other saltwater species of fish. Anglers target marlin in excess of 200 pounds with 20 pound class tackle, and land them with no problems with and experianced crew and a patient hand. But a nasty 30 pound grouper will reack havok on lines way above their wieght class, ripping 60 and 80 pound test mono in half. Their brute strength and rebelious attitude make them the king of the hill in my book. I'm shure anyone who's landed a nice grouper would have no problem agreeing with that.