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Bigfishtackle Ultimate 16 Species Contest
[size 1] [/size] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][#500028]4th Anual Ultimate 16 Species Fishing Contest 2006[/#500028] [/size][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][/size][/font][/center] [center][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][/size][/font][/center] [center]
[font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][#500028]DON'T LET THE NAME FOOL YOU!
[/size][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3]
[#ff0000]April 1st 2006 to December 31st 2006[/#ff0000][/size][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][#ff0000][size 3][/size][/#ff0000][/font][/center] [left][#ff0000][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3]Only members of may enter the contest. Any one can become a member for free by clicking on "[/size][url ""][size 3][Image: newuser.gif][/size][/url][size 3]" [#000000][/#000000][/size][/font][/#ff0000][/left] [center]

[font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3][/size][/#500028][/font][/center] [ol] [ol] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][#500028]First and Second place FreshWater- Most combined pionts on total Freshwater fish caught per angler up to a maximum of 16 species. [/#500028][/size][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][#500028]First and Second place Salt Water- Most combined pionts on total Saltwater water fish caught per angler up to a maximum of 16 species. [/#500028][/size][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][#500028]Biggest Fish Caught - (measured by length, Can be fresh or saltwater)To enter reply to this post. [/#500028][/size][/font][/li][/ol][/ol]

[#000000][/#000000] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][size 3][#500028]Reply to the current post on the "Annual Fishing Photo Contest" board and Submit this information with your entries [/#500028][/size][/font][/center] [ul] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]Fresh or Salt Water [/size][/#500028][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]Name of the species [/size][/#500028][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]Length (weight optional) [/size][/#500028][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]Date caught [/size][/#500028][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]City and state it was caught in [/size][/#500028][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]Optional: Link to Wall of Fame Extra Piont photo (see below for details)[/size][/#500028][/font][/li][/ul] [left][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]In the un-edited picture you need [/size][/#500028][/font][/left] [ol] [ol] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]You must be in the picture with your fish [/size][/#500028][/font] [ul] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]if you are fishing alone and have difficulty taking pictures of yourself holding your fish and tape measure you may enter a double entry with you holding the fish then one with the tape measure tape measuring the fish. (Both pictures need to have the BigFishTackle Logo in the picture.[/size][/#500028][/font] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]You must be wearing a Bigfishtackle shirt, hat, jacket or have a BigFishTackle.Com logo of some kind (print outs are ok.) in the picture with your fish. [/size][/#500028][/font] [li]you can down load a printable copy of the logo from the attachment below, Black and White prints are exceptable.[/li][/ul] [li][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]holding the tape next to the fish for measurment[/size][/#500028][/font][/li][/ol][/ol] [center]
[font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]Scoring

One point issued for each inch of lenth. Even a 1 inch fish will score in this event, so enter and enter often. We will take the score of your best of up to 16 species you enter. If you only enter three species of fish they will be scored the same and you don't have to have 16 species to enter (1 giant fish could win).

[#bf0000]Bonus point...[/#bf0000]

Earn an extra point by takeing an aditional picture of your fish with you and your bigfishtackle shirt with out the ruler and place it on the
[/size][/#500028][url ""][#500028][size 3]wall of fame[/size][/#500028][/url][#500028][size 3].
[/size][/#500028][/font][url ""][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3][/size][/#500028][/font][/url][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3] [/size][/#500028][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3][/size][/#500028][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3][/size][/#500028][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]([#bf0000]Fw[/#bf0000]) = Fresh Water Division [/size][/#500028][/font][/center] [center][font "Bookman Old Style"][#500028][size 3]([#bf0000]SW[/#bf0000]) = Salt Water Division [/size][/#500028][/font][/center]

Messages In This Thread
Bigfishtackle Ultimate 16 Species Contest - by Tarpon4me - 04-14-2006, 03:40 PM

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