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They are only 4 months old right now but are taking hikes ( no weight) but do have a harness on them just to get used to something on them. I do not have to put a leash on them though.
I am in the process now of looking for two 3 to 4 year old. I had a buddy who had a llamas- they just seemed like a bit more of a livestock animal than I wanted to deal with. He would have given me some but decided against that. So far they are pretty enjoyable animals. Don't think I will be lending these out, they are reserved for Mr Fish and the Fish campers (0:

Messages In This Thread
Chironomids - by flygoddess - 05-12-2006, 03:26 AM
Re: [flygoddess] Chironomids - by hpb - 05-12-2006, 05:59 PM
Re: [hpb] Chironomids - by flygoddess - 05-12-2006, 06:22 PM
Re: [hpb] Chironomids - by IceRod - 05-17-2006, 03:23 AM
Re: [IceRod] Chironomids - by hpb - 05-17-2006, 03:29 PM

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