05-20-2006, 06:32 PM
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][b]Hi there Spokcane_Angler, Don't know much about Shakespeare fly rods but for $33.00 don't believe that you will be getting a rod of any quality. Might need to spend closer to $100 to get anything worthwhile. Plus a good line is going to cost around $50.00. Would suggest looking for a 6wt rod. It is a good general-purpose rod. If there are any fishing trades shows [better yet fly-fishing] coming to your area they always have good deals particularity on the last day. Orvis is known to give out $25 coupons plus any other promo that they have going. You can always work one manufacturer against another. Like buying a car in an auto mart. I'm sure flygoddess will have some suggestions too.[/b][/size][/green][/font]