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Guess my newborns weight and win a BFT sticker
Thank you sir, I do appreciate it. My wife and I were sitting in the bed the other night, and I wasn't saying a whole lot, just kinda stareing off into space. She asked me, "what are you thinking about?" I laughed and said, "do you really want to know?" She gave me a bewildered look and said "I guess." I told her I was thinking about how I was planning my last fishing trip before we had the baby. LOL, she looked at me in discussed and said "Oh Bryan, go to bed." LOL, She thought I was just kidding, but I was serious.[cool]

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Re: [EZOP] Guess my newborns weight and win a BFT sticker - by Tarpon4me - 05-22-2006, 12:44 AM

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