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Is this site slow????
Sorry about the late reply. By getting DSL you will have a solid connection, that is for sure. If after that it still seemes slow to load you might check in to adding More Ram memory. Two minits to load the Main sounds like eather a very slow access or lack of Random Access Memory. I can help you check if your Ram recorces are low and need an upgrade. Send me a private and I will send you the steps to take to check it. Dave does have a good point about running extra programs in the background.
To see what is running when your computer starts up, Just right click on start and left click on open. This will give you a full list of all programs that load at boot.

Messages In This Thread
Is this site slow???? - by Baytuber - 02-01-2003, 02:12 AM
Re: [Baytuber] Is this site slow???? - by ssor - 02-02-2003, 08:27 AM

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