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Tampa Bay Area Fishing Report

Tampa Bay Area

Fishing Report Captain Charles Walker


Beautiful weather for a change gives everybody the fishing fever and the last few days have been absolutely fantastic. The temperature was in the 70’s and the winds were down (except for Saturday), and everybody that still remembered how to crank the boat engine went fishing. The weather forecast shows some winds picking up on Monday night but getting nicer again by Thursday. Hopefully the grouper will cooperate during the nice weather parts of the week as they did this week. Lots of gags were caught in water 30 to 60 feet deep, but you really had to have a variety of baits each day to figure out what they wanted to eat. One day it was whole squid and the next nothing but frozen sardines, and then another day nothing but live pinfish would work. This is typical winter fishing for grouper except we haven’t seen water this cold for a few years.

On to the bait house reports:
Ruskin Bait and Tackle - 813-641-2325 – Lots of really big sheepshead are being caught all over the place. At the power plant some cobia are being taken and there seem to be lots of pompano this year as well. Some nice reds and keeper trout have been caught on the flats this week and the Bahia Beach Reef has been holding lots of reds as well. The spoil island at Port Manatee has been very productive for anglers chasing trout, sheepshead, and reds as well.
Buddy’s Bait and Tackle on the Courteney Campbell Causeway in Tampa - 813-287-1026 – Trout, reds and sheepshead have been caught in good numbers this week along the Causeway and at the big bridge. There are lots of small trout, but there are plenty of legal ones mixed in as well.
Trappman’s Bait and Tackle on Gandy Blvd in St. Petersburg - 727-579-1414- Lots of trout are biting off the end of the bridge this week. 2-4 pounders are common. Sheepshead are just about anywhere that there are rocks or pilings. Reds are numerous but you have to find a school of the right size to get the keepers, there are lots of smaller fish in the Bay right now.
Pass-a-Grille Bait and Tackle on St. Pete Beach - 727-360-6606- Sheepshead are biting well around our gas dock. Our offshore boats have been bringing in some nice gags and plenty of grunts and some amberjack.
The Skyway Fishing Pier - 727-865-0668 and the south Skyway - 941-729-0117- Plenty of sheepshead and silver trout have been caught this week. A cobia was caught one night this week and plenty of sting ray have been caught. We expect things to really start hopping when the water warms just a little bit more.

Folks, feel free to call any of the places in my report for more information, and be sure to tell them that you read about the fishing in their area in Capt. Charlie’s fishing report on the Internet.

If you want more information about fishing in the Tampa Bay area or wish to book a charter, simply e-mail me at or if you wish to arrange a charter faster, call me at 727-546-7257. Be sure and visit my web site for lots more Tampa Bay Area fishing info at: [url ""][#800080][/#800080][/url] .

Good fishing and tight lines,

Capt. Charlie

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Tampa Bay Area Fishing Report - by captchas - 02-02-2003, 08:23 PM

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