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Mike's Punt Cana Update
this Saturday morning june 3rd we made a great catch, even failing to release all caught Billfish.
Charter client Brad Gabriel and Family went out for a half day charter, just 4hrs, and Brad got tyred from realing in white Marlins.
sea on lovely 2ft, winds 5-7 knots east south east, skipper Alberto Rodriguez and his mate Franklin Johansi Recio cleared reef on sheduled 8:30AM, just a few minutes after our first quarter moon came out on 8:22AM at 80' in front of today used charter boat Intrepido, a 42ft Post. preparing lines only 2nmls offshore in front of the bavaro passage it took just 20 minutes before the first white marlin hit, hook set like on all hits this morning and Brad got his first fight on, it took him 25 minutes to get the 50lbs white Marlin beside the boat, where they released him unharmed, used reel was a penn international 30lbs. lines wet again it took an other 30 minutes and the second hit came up, different that time for several reasons: Alberto set the hook right away, but this time on a Penn international 20lbs and the white marlin had a 65lbs, showed all he could and fought for more than 90 minutes. sorrily the Marlin had his Tongue badly damaged from the hook, so the crew decided he would not survive and gaffed him. now Brad was really tyred, lines wet again, boat position just 5 nmls off the coast that time, so they start a slower trolling inwards to maybe get some dorados for the 2 kids on board, anyways the 4hrs of a half day charter pass by fast when you get several hits. just 1 1/2 nmls in front of the Bavaro Passage heading inwards to cross the reef they got a third hit, again a white marlin, again the hook set right on first try, so Brad had to proof his strength again. this time the 50lbs white Marlin been hooked on a Penn international 30lbs with a 50lbs tested line on, after 15-20 minutes he was beside the boat and again we got a injured Billfish we could not release today, hook been set right through the eye of the fish, again they had to use the gaff today.
at all a nice start for Punta Cana's weekend, on a 4hrs charter 3 white Marlin hits and all hooks set, looking forward what's coming up tomorrow morning.

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Mike's Punt Cana Update - by MikeFisher - 06-07-2006, 07:30 PM

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