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Lake Toho
Lake Toho
Fishing Report
by: Captain Chuck Matthews
February 8, 2003

The fishing on Toho is great and is even going to get better. There are some fish on beds and a lot of prespawn fish. I'm telling ya that Toho is going to get hot for big fish. With all the cold fronts we were having, it held the fish off of the beds and the cold water made them dormant. But, now its warming up and they are about to get active and they are going to be good.

On February 6th, fishing was slow. The next day, I had a guide party out and they got over 20 fish up to 9 pounds. We went through 5-dozen shiners. By 1pm, they were all solid fish and some were ready to go on beds and some weren't. With steady temperatures, the next full moon is going to produce a heavy spawn with a lot of large fish to be caught. Please remember just release the fish immediately as not to stress them out. There is no since putting them into the live well. They are either on beds or in an area where they are gong to bed. This is the most important time of the year for our bass fishery. So lets take care of them. If you would like to book a guide trip, give us a call or email us at [url ""][/url]

Tight Lines

Captain Chuck
Pro Bass Guide
A1 Action Bass Guides' Professional Services
[url ""][/url]

Messages In This Thread
Lake Toho - by CaptainChuck - 02-09-2003, 04:08 AM
Re: [CaptainChuck] Lake Toho - by davetclown - 02-19-2003, 06:15 AM

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