07-14-2006, 12:12 AM
Spent all day on the South Fork today. Nothing was happenen' on the surface, so I kicked -netted a few times to see what was on the bottom. Very few super small may flies and a couple of olive caddis larva. Tried nymphing and wets, one small (8") was the only fish of the day. Did see other fish taking something subsurface but couldn't coax a hit from them. Tried hares's ears, caddis in both green and rust, brassies, scuds, yellow and partridge, light cahill wet, and a ginger wingless. After 6 hours and 6 lost flies I decided I suck at fishing and went home. I've only been nymphing since March, so the stuff I learned today will go in my fishing jounal and maybe someday my dreams (hallucinations?) of catching lots of fish will happen.