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Strange happenings on the Jordan... 7/13
I went down to the Jordan last night for a little wade action. River's pretty low, and the main river flows are relitively clear. I fished it where I normally do in west valley.

Started dragging the bottom with carp along the deep edge. After a few hours of that, I had two little channel kitties in the basket for a picture and release. Both were about 16-18" or so. Unfortunately they bit on the last chunks of carp I have.

Finally I figured that since my bait supply for kitties was gone, I'd better get some more. So on goes the bread. Went back to the edge, heaved out, hoping for a carp or maybe, if I were lucky, a sucker. WELL....

I didn't get either of them. About five minutes after I heaved out my pole did start bobbing. The fish came up pretty easy on the 12# line I was using. Then once it saw me in there, it ran. Finally I got him up, and I couldn't hardly believe what I saw, though. Here, in an area of the river that I honestly think is one of the utmost poluted cesspools in the state, where, if anywhere, Blinky the 3 eyed fish would live, was a B-E-A-UTIFUL 21" Rainbow Trout. Was I ever surprised! I was a little disappointed at how much of a wuss he was, though. Never took him outta the water, never even touched him, clipped the line, and he still went belly up. Oh well. He was good enough for a lunch today.

Here's a couple pictures. I'm planning on hitting that section of river consistantly till I leave for Oregon next week. Who knows. Maybe I'll catch an Oscar, or a Paku, or maybe even a real Pirana next.... Just kidding(hopefully!)

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Strange happenings on the Jordan... 7/13 - by Mc_Lennon - 07-14-2006, 11:02 PM

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