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ice rod for sturgon
hi guys , i have a project that needs great care only because of it's history . a few years back i inheritade a bunch of fishing gear from the wifes grandfather ( grandma gave them to me because she wanted them to go to someone who would use them ) , untill last week i had no idea what one of the rods was for untill i saw an outdoor show about icefishing for stergon , BINGO ! THERE WAS THE ROD ! the guide threads are frazzled and i want to replace them , a little fanceyer than the original . do you know where i can obtain info on how to do different patterns , what type of threads to use , and what kind of protective coating to use that wont crack or yellow ? i plan on taking my time with this and want to do a job worthey of the fisherman that it once belonged to . oh yea it's not going into retirement , grandma said gramps didn't belive in that kind of stuff , he would have wanted it used . thats why it was left to me . i'll honer it on this rod but the old split bamboo flyrods are going to be mounted on a plack . thanks lonehunter

if you need a pic i can post one for a better idea .

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ice rod for sturgon - by lonehunter - 02-11-2003, 03:07 AM

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