08-09-2006, 11:03 PM
Just came back Monday from Henry's Lake. I fished Saturday and Sunday with minimal success. Saturday didn't get so much as a nibble. Talked to some guys at the State Park campground Saturday evening that caught 1 about 18-20 inches and lost one real big one on brass spoons. Went out Sunday morning and tried a little of everything with no success. Went back out Sunday evening and finally caught 2 cutts. 1 was about 7 inches and the other was 19 inches long, had a few more hits but no hook-ups. I was fishing right in front of the state park in about 5-6 feet of water using a brass colored mepps size 0 spinner. There was a lot of fly fisherman straight out on the lake from the state park on Sunday but didn't see anyone catch anything while I was there.