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starvation monday with Rapo and lost prop!!
Went fishing at starvation on monday with rapo and had for the most part a really fun time. We started out by doing some exploration to see where the fish were and finally found a decent school off the points at rabit gulch. The walleye we caught were in about 25-30ft of water and were pretty little and far between, but the perch were probably some of the biggest I have ever caught in utah with lots of 12-13 inchers and one 14" that fought like crazy. Alas the 5lb walleye eluded me on this trip. The algae bloom is really bad and it is driving the fish away from their normal hiding places.
Now for the Sad part of the day. We decided to fish the selaratus (spelling?) wash and motored down to that part of the lake and just as we hit it I stopped to check the depth and when I tried to go agian nothing. No forward no reverse. So I pulled up the outdrive and no prop. The wind was blowing like crazy so I had to drop anchor and hope the wind didn't blow us too far. Luckily I had cell service so i called the ranger and he was able to pull us in. Luckily I had some extra props at home, but the mounting hardware cost me 60 bucks (ouch). Now I just have to decide if I need to put a 14/21, 15/21 or 14/19 propeller on. Anyways I forgot my camera so I don't have any pics this time.
jed Burton

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starvation monday with Rapo and lost prop!! - by Jedburton - 08-30-2006, 11:49 PM

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