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Ford deals out more pain
I did leave out one other major point, our cities have let these corporations leave these building/factories standing in disrepair in hopes of promices that the corps may want to use the buildings again, We have standing buildings that have been standing empty falling apart now for 30 years. we cant build housing or shopping centers because of the toxic leaching from the plant in to the surounding grounds.

that is what these other places have comming with the boom economy these corproations are about to bestow upon them...

If the auto industry had quality product in mind and not fattening the bottom line they would not have had a problem with compitition from forgen auto makers had the kept my 5 dollar an hour job in this country. Our cars would spend more time on the road and not in the repair shop....

believe me when I say, when your truck spends two weeks in the repair shop and that truck is your life line, then loyalty to ford or chrylser is blown out the window with the loss of a pay day. two weeks in a repair shop because you have a cheep forgen made clutch plate insted of one that meet american quality standards is just unreasonable.

I cant tell you how many years ford said "quality is job one" and never delivered. how can quality be job one when every country has its own standards of just what quality is?

some times we have to learn our lessons the hard way, my friend I hope you never have to go though the things I have.

I keep wondering if god has a reason for my having to learn these lessons, I still cant come up with one, other than becoming president of the united states and setting every thing streight again.... I shudder to think my lessons are a cruel joke of life in that I would be allowed to see, understand and not be able to do anything about it.....

Messages In This Thread
Ford deals out more pain - by davetclown - 09-15-2006, 02:18 PM
Re: [829] Ford deals out more pain - by gdn443 - 09-19-2006, 08:34 AM
Re: [829] Ford deals out more pain - by davetclown - 09-19-2006, 08:43 PM

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