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Ford deals out more pain
Well, I have read all of your posts and can sympathize on some of it. My job was sent overseas too, but rather than sit down and sulk about it, I started scrubbing toilets in a factory; got a paper route. Going from $40K/year working with computers to that was a very humbling experience. However, during that time I also started my business, which is just over three years old now and still kicking. Life is what you make of it and relying on God to make sense of it is just a waste of time. God put you on this earth to succeed on your own, not to sit around and wait for things to make sense.

Even though your job may not have been a union job that got shipped over seas, the competition that has union employees forced your job overseas, because the company realized that the competition was already paying $22/hour more for labor and selling the parts for less and still making more profit? The company you worked for realized that they could put the other company out of business and make even more money with this strategy. Morally wrong? To me hell yes. Good business decision? Debatable, but I think it was ingenious. Company A is going to be around longer than Company B. Maybe because I live in a right-to-work state I have different views on things, but if you were a company CEO and you have a plant were labor costs have exceeded the profit from that plant, what would you do? What labor unions do not realize is that those people work for the company, not the other way around and if you do not want your job, someone else out there does.

I am in no way trying to offend you here but your lack of grammatical preparedness leads me to believe you have not completed any higher education classes, which will limit your opportunities in this country. I was fortunate enough to be able to certify in the positions I have held in the computer industry over the years, but as soon as things went south in field of expertise my certifications were nothing compared to others with the same certifications, who had also completed college. I interviewed for a position to which I was more qualified than the person who received the job was, but since he had a degree, even though it had nothing to do with the job we applied for, I was not given the position and came in second. I found this out because two of my friends also worked for this company both of which were supervisors for different departments. My pride got the better of me when two months later they called me back and asked if I still wanted the position and I said NO. I have since started back to school to show my daughter how important school is. Just incase you are wondering, she is also the reason I quit school as she was born two years after I graduated high school and I had to support her and my wife. I bring that up, because people want to have kids or they are not careful and start having kids left and right. My wife and I made a conscious effort at that time not to have any more kids until we were financially better off. My daughter is now 7 and we are now at the point to where we are working on a second child. It is not anyone's fault, other than your own, that you have four kids. I know you probably love your kids to death and I do my daughter, but you have to remember you put yourself in the position of having to support a family on a $5.00 an hour job, not anyone else.

Health insurance is overrated. I have always had to pay for insurance. I am not sure why we Americans feel as though it should be given to us?

I do agree that cuts should be made at the top in the higher paying jobs, before those cuts trickle down. There have been times in my company when I could not afford to pay myself after paying others. People at the top of these companies do not seem to realize that padding their own pockets puts their company in further fiscal crisis, because I am sure most could not go down to Joe Smith's job and do it. The other side of that is they do not care. They have made their millions and even if they were replaced that day, they will live comfortably from then on with out ever needed another job.

I am not sure what kind of cars you are use to, but for as long as I can remember in my 28 years on this earth foreign cars have been much better products than American cars.

What have you done about the abandoned buildings in your area? Have you called your local representatives? Have you called your city board? Have you called your Governor? Have you tried to rally citizens in your area to take action in this matter? Have you joined other rallies in your area that are trying to take action against the problem? It is easy to sit back and complain, but much harder to take action.

I think we can continue to agree to disagree on this subject all day, but I think we can agree that landing a 20lbs striper makes us forget about the problems of the day and enjoy life if for only those 5 – 15 minutes. Good luck in your quest to find a better paying job.

Messages In This Thread
Ford deals out more pain - by davetclown - 09-15-2006, 02:18 PM
Re: [829] Ford deals out more pain - by gdn443 - 09-19-2006, 08:34 AM
Re: [davetclown] Ford deals out more pain - by 829 - 09-20-2006, 02:54 AM

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