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Ford deals out more pain
I got a chuckle out of your reply, and so will other members here, You need to go back and this time read the full body of what is written, forget the spelling mistakes, if you are concentrating on that you will miss the message.

in your own reply you have proven you only skimed over it by your coments.

as my latin proffessor once told me, you can lead a man to a river of knolage, And Of all the knolage available to him in the world he will only take from that river to what suits his needs for the moment.

I predicted the downword spiral of the ford motor company 30 years ago when I got a full grasp as to what they were doing.

Chrylser said ford went the wrong way, they played the wait and see method, and sure enuff, ford stock took a nose dive, Chrysler dicided to cut production and keep its employees, and suprize suprize suprize, Chrysler stock went up..

It dosnt take a brain sturgeon here to see that at the fork of the road ford when to the left and stocks fell, and Chrysler whent to the right and stocks rose, there is nothing to explain, it is self explanitory.

as far as being lazy on my part, again any one who knows me will laugh at you openly, because those who know me know I have been working since I was 4 years old. By the time I was 8 years old I was running the farm. that included the buying and selling of stock, both live seed feed and planing and rotating crops and breeding of livestock, and running my own field champion beagles in trials and winning....

as my great great grand mother told me when I was 5, she at the time was 105, yes she was 2 years old when lincon was assanated, I was 3 when kenedy was assinated. as she told me, she said,

son, dont bother tellin me any thing but the truth, cause you can shovel all the horse crap in to the cart you want but one day you will relize that the cart is full of it and it is just making a mess all over the place, and you wont be able to move that cart untill you clean up the mess you have made over time of relentless shoveling. and you cant do that untill you get off the high horse ya rode in on to see you have shoveled so much horse crap in to a system to the point is can no longer bear the load. The cart knows when its been over loaded, but if you continue to live in denial you will never see the mess you have made around you.

we deffinantly see each other on different planes, where as you see me as illederate and have thown it in my face because you make more money than I have. or so you think.

I see you as a young kid who has a lot to learn,

I will say this much, there is two kinds of prestege in the world, one buys you fame, while the other buys you honors, and when you die, all those you have bought will come to your side weeping, that is until the will has been read, then how long will your fame last? Where as when you are honered in life, multitudes will remember your strides in life, your acomplisments, what you stand for and wont tolerate. You will die a poper pennyless, no granet toom to which no one will come to morn becase those who remember you will be selibrating your life from where ever they stand.

If you wish to know more, there is a river on the side of the third mountain from you, follow that river up the mountain untill you can hear the river speak, from there look in to the depths of the water, you will come across a stone, not much bigger than a silver dollar, it has green stipes. it may even sparkle a little, it will look like it dosnt belong there, in fact it dosnt, it belongs to you, pick it up, take it home, polish it if you like it dosnt matter, set it on your desk. you may not get the lesson that this quest has sent you on. If you dont find the stone on the first trip, repeat the pilgrimage it untill you do, I will give you but only one clue, Eyes that know not what it is looking for will find what it is that you can not see....

there is a lesson there, tho' you may not see it till many years after you have found that stone, but you will, You may laugh at me now, I will only Smile, cause I know.

but hey, I am just an old illeterate indian.

as for my gramer, I give you no excuse, you have not earned that privlage.

My grand daddy used to tell me when I was a nee high to a pollywog and I screwed up, "you go home and tell your mother what you did, and if she dont slap the P%% out of you then it is her fault, not yours....

I learnt that lesson real quick like. I was 6. good luck on yours [Wink]

Ford needs to drop the empire mentality, they are no longer one of three auto manufactures in this contry.

A rolls royce is a rolls royce and will always be a rolls royce, as my economics thieses stated in its conclusion, when ford looses its prestege what is it, the answer is nothing more than a forgen auto manufacture trying to get it feet in the door of the american auto market......

Messages In This Thread
Ford deals out more pain - by davetclown - 09-15-2006, 02:18 PM
Re: [829] Ford deals out more pain - by gdn443 - 09-19-2006, 08:34 AM
Re: [829] Ford deals out more pain - by davetclown - 09-20-2006, 05:38 AM

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