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National food aleart, dont eat.....ecoli
Well some people just dont listen,

a man chose to avoid the wornings about the spinach in Detroit last week. cooked it, ate it, and now suffer montazuma's revenge.

I feal bad for him, its a terible thing to come down with, but whats worst in his case is he is a chef.

by our laws in the state of michigan he is now not even allowed to step foot in the front or back door including dining area of the resturant where he works. meaning untill his system is clear of the virus he can not return back to work or even visit as a guest. (this could be weeks) and like many kitchens he has no insurance to cover this type of insodent.

and still the search goes on, where did it come from?

This National Food alreat is still in effect for spinach. be especialy careful if you see Spinach back on the shelf or in the freezer. There are always those less scrupulous people who think they will freeze it and sell it as frozen...

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Re: [fish4fish] National food aleart, dont eat.....ecoli - by davetclown - 09-22-2006, 06:56 AM

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