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High Sierra Fishing
Hey All,

I have been really busy for the past few months which has left me little time for much else. But I wanted to drop a line about my recent trip to the High Sierras. I went to, probably one of my favorite places, Jackass meadows... the fishing was HOT!!! The patterns working best were: Royal Trude (14-18), Joe's and Daves hoppers (8-12) Elk Hair Caddis-tan (14-18) and Black Fur Ant (12-14).

I tried something new this trip... My dad was using grasshoppers (live, not flies) he was catching in the meadows nearby. So I started using them dry with no luck. I saw that he was using a split shot to get them near the bottom, I threw on a split shot and WHAM!!!, fish after fish after beautiful fish.

The only time I was able to get a rise on a hopper dry was when I wasn't paying attention. I had my eye on a nice lie under a shady pine hanging ove the river. So while I was watching some action of fish rising under the tree I had been castingout towards the middle of the river, mainly being lazy, not wanting to bring in my line. Out of the corner my eye I saw a splash and realized something had taken my fly. I pulled up and set the hook, after a few minutes I landed a pretty, 12" brown. (pic included). All told, I landed and released about 20+ trout this weekend ranging from 6" to 15". Mostly Bows, but quite a few browns thrown in (more than I have seen in years) as well.

On top of it all, the weather was amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend throwing a fly around.

Messages In This Thread
High Sierra Fishing - by Discman - 09-26-2006, 05:06 PM
Re: [Discman] High Sierra Fishing - by Dryrod - 09-27-2006, 04:49 AM

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