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Payson Lake 9-28
My Fat Cat (tube) hasn't gotten any exercise for several weeks, and I was able to get off early from work, so off we went to Payson Lake for a couple of hours. The autumn colors were spectacular on the ride up. Conditions in the high country couldn't have been better. The fishing was excellent. I hammered nice chunky bows and a brookie or 2 all night. Early on I was using small gold mepps spinners, then I switched to flies. Kept a couple for dinner and released the rest. There were few people there, but a couple of shore tanglers had done well also. Great evening on the pond.

I enjoy going for other species in the spring and summer, but in the fall, trout action in the high country is hard to beat.
Tight lines.

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Payson Lake 9-28 - by doggonefishin - 09-29-2006, 03:38 AM

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