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Tubin' Yuba Lake 9-27-06
[cool][#0000ff]A big part of the reason we went to Yuba was to conduct some "creel census" figures of our own. I am spearheading a move to get the 2007 regulations changed to open Yuba to keeping some perch. It was not slated until 2008. I am up against politics, beuracracy, special interest groups (walleye club) and plain ignorance in trying to git 'er done.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Virtually nobody who opposes opening the lake has even fished it or has other first hand information on it. They are going strictly by old studies (pre reclamation) and current emotions (protect the poor perch). In the meantime, the perch population has exploded and they are quickly consuming all of their available groceries. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Historically, the lake goes through cycles of boom and bust. Part of that is water levels, during periods of plenty and drought. The other part is the predator-prey balance. Right now there is still not a large enough population of walleye or northern pike to slow the rapid increase in perch, and the perch are going to overpopulate, stunt and/or crash again, before they can ever get a balance. There needs to be some angler harvest.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In years past, Yuba has produced huge fat perch up to 16 inches and two pounds. That is what everybody wants again, but they will be doomed if they do not maintain a food balance, or if they are allowed to go over the top of the cycle and begin stunting before ever reaching their maximum attainable size.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Fun stuff in a desert that is still run mostly by troutaholics.[/#0000ff]

Messages In This Thread
Tubin' Yuba Lake 9-27-06 - by TubeDude - 09-28-2006, 12:30 PM
Re: [zonker] Tubin' Yuba Lake 9-27-06 - by TubeDude - 09-29-2006, 10:12 AM

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