10-29-2006, 08:32 AM
dose the color in my opinion help to catch fish? couldnt tell ya, I havent a clue.
[ul] [li]I use them,[/li] [li]I like them,[/li] [li]I catch fish with them, but I catch fish on every hook I use.[/li] [li]What I can tell you is... the coating on the hook dose help to prolong the life of my hook, It dosnt rust as fast.[/li][/ul]
[ul] [li]I use them,[/li] [li]I like them,[/li] [li]I catch fish with them, but I catch fish on every hook I use.[/li] [li]What I can tell you is... the coating on the hook dose help to prolong the life of my hook, It dosnt rust as fast.[/li][/ul]