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Nice Beginner Intro Tubing Video
Luck of the Irish there. That's the first float tube I've seen in the British Isles, especailly Ireland. I'm sure there are tubers over there, I was probably just with the wrong crowd. They're more "propper" over there (that's what they say and think anyway); nothing like this rabble we have here. They mostly fish for carp and thought I was crazy when I told them that we consider carp a "trash" or lower class fish. I'm just going to have to figure out how to get my tube over there next time I go. Who knows, a little influence and I might be able to convince them just how fun the tubes are then again, they'll probably just think I'm an "un-edumacated Yank".
They are the British and you just have to wonder where they get their ideas. It's okay, they think the samething about us.

Messages In This Thread
Nice Beginner Intro Tubing Video - by zonker - 11-19-2006, 05:42 AM
Re: [zonker] Nice Beginner Intro Tubing Video - by liteweight - 11-20-2006, 03:44 PM

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