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Powder paint vs. vinyl jig paint
You have a photo editor,

you just have to figure out wich it is.

right click on your photo and see what programs you can open it in.
[ul] [li]Paint[/li] [li]Microsoft photo editor[/li] [li]kodak[/li][/ul]
any of these will work.
at the top you will find an image button.

there you may have a couple options. stretch/skew or resize.

click on them. you will be given options.

the type of file also makes a differance. Graphics Interchange Format (gif) is the best to use, same picture but the file is smaller. so when done editing for size click file and click save as when the window pops up you will have the option of file type. be sure to select the gif

there are other types, you may need to save them in to a paint file or bitmap file before you can save them in to a gif file.

sounds hard but it realy isnt.

the other types of files are
jpg or jpeg
tif - which edits with kodak
pcx which edits with paint brush

they all edit with microsoft photo editor. except the tif file which edits with kodak, once you open it with kodak you can save it as paintbrush file then edit it with any other editor.

Messages In This Thread
Powder paint vs. vinyl jig paint - by bdn06 - 11-14-2006, 05:47 PM
Re: [bdn06] Powder paint vs. vinyl jig paint - by davetclown - 12-08-2006, 04:06 AM

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