02-28-2003, 02:32 PM
I'd have to agree with P.Hopper on the fly rod and wooly buggers. In fact, it is my preferred method of catching smallies when at all possible. There is just something magical about catching a hard fighting smallie on a flimsy fly rod. I don't know what specific waters you will be targeting, but I have had great luck at both Newcastle and Otter Creek fishing a large (size 6 to 2) bead head olive wooly buggers fished on sinking line. Since I tie my own, I also will add a some flashy material to the dubbing and a little into the tail which seems to make some difference. Also don't worry about using the traditional small tipit materials. A good sized smally will make short work of that in no time. I use at least 4lb mono which usually does great. Good Luck!