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fishin with the wrong imitation!
[unsure]Scruffy fly's avitar is a Mysis Shrimp.

It looked so good I asked my local guy to tie some up for me.

He's replied that we dont have any Mysis Shrimp in our river or the lake.
I wondered if he'd had some experience with the Biology end of Fish n' Game? How'd he know that?
First of all, I'd never heard of a Mysis shrimp.
I thought it was some catchy name a guy gave his creation, so he'd get his name in the annuls of flytying.

After all....Shrimp are shrimp. Either we eat them or the fish eat them. Who cares if they have a name?

It also caused me to wonder how many of us fish with some pretty good imitations, and fish in waters that dont have anything that resembles those good looking imitations we are fishing with.
Like me, up there in the Sipsy, using the Mysis, and the fish not even recognizing what they saw as something they might eat.

Wherever I've fished, I've always bought flies from the local shop, as close to the river as possible. They usually will sell you whats catching the fish.
That way, I never had to learn the names of the flies. Or understand the entimology of the Flies I was buying.

This is the first time it's ever hammered on me that "good looking fly wont catch fish here" and frankly it shocked me.
Now I want to know what we have, and what the fish are eating.

PS: He told me the Sow Bug's are good, on a #18 hook. Barbless!
Little Gnats and Skeeters. He hasn't mentioned anything else.

Shrimp? Whaddayamean they aint none o' them in these here waters?

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fishin with the wrong imitation! - by Thudpucker - 02-12-2007, 04:59 AM

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