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Ft. Lauderdale Swordfishing and Sport Fishing Report
Man, other than that nasty blow you got into, sounds like a pretty good set of trips.

I was going to say you had some pretty big gozanckas bring a live bull into the boat, but then I noticed where someone had plumited something into his noggin. A gun shot perhaps? LOL His jaws will make a nice prize, and his steaks will sure be tastey on the grill. [cool]

Make sure and put your name in on the charter captain contest! All you have to do is add a tape measure and a BFT logo in each picture, and you're good to go! The contest starts March 5th!

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Re: [captandy] Ft. Lauderdale Swordfishing and Sport Fishing Report - by Tarpon4me - 02-20-2007, 05:06 PM

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