03-04-2007, 04:22 AM
actually i will be doing most of my walleye fishing in a shallow rocky river(averaging from 1' to 4 or 5 with holes 8' or 9' just below a damn. I guess it's about what most people would consider a large trout stream. Never really heard of people catching pike but that doesn't necessarily mean they aren't there. there are lots of small mouth, white , bass, crappie, channel cat, flatheads, large carp and spoonbill catfish. In the spring walleye in the 8 or 9 lbs range are abundant, but low to mid 20inch range are common year round. Until deciding to try fly fishing for the i mainly used a pair of 1" whiptail crappie jigs with 1/16 oz heads and the ocassional rooster tail.