03-07-2003, 12:20 AM
Augers will dull really easy if you drill in an old hole, or if you set the blades down on the ice too hard. I have a 8" Mora, with sharp blades I can drill through 12" in about 1 to 2 minutes or less. I usually can get 2 years out of a set of blades and I drill a lot of holes every year. New blades cost about $12 to $14 and are well worth it. I have really good sharpening stones that I sharpen chisels and wood planes with, but I have never been able to successfully sharpen the auger blades.
Most people don't take good care of their augers, they use them for walking sticks, or drop them onto the ice before they start drilling. If possible drill in areas where the snow is untouched, the ice will be slightly warmer and softer under the snow. Sportsman's Warehouse has blades at a reasonable price.
Most people don't take good care of their augers, they use them for walking sticks, or drop them onto the ice before they start drilling. If possible drill in areas where the snow is untouched, the ice will be slightly warmer and softer under the snow. Sportsman's Warehouse has blades at a reasonable price.