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They're going to drain Yuba!
Powell is full of walleyes. It's probably Utah's best walleye fishery, but also the least utilized. One of the problems with making another walleye fishery down south is which trout fishery to give up? Utah has never found a place or situation where they coexist very well.
Minersville is a dead end drainage like Yuba and the Sevier river. The water never leaves the state. There aren't any endagered species in either river system. But if you put walleye in Minersville, you'll get lynched by about 8,000 people who live in Beaver county. They were given that option before the new regulations were put in place back in '92, and they don't want 'em. They packed the meetings that the DWR held, and said no to walleyes.
There are walleyes in DMAD reservoir which is down stream from Yuba. And they're in Gunnison bend reservoir too. Neither water gets much pressure. If they drain Yuba, the fish will go down the Sevier and wind up in these two reservoirs. If Yuba is the closest place for you to get walleyes, these two waters can't be too much farther out of your way. DMAD is just north of Delta, and Gunnison Bend is southwest of Delta. Niether place is vey big. It wouldn't take very long to cover either res, and figure out some of their secrets.
Something to think about.

Messages In This Thread
They're going to drain Yuba! - by DennisW - 03-07-2003, 11:02 PM
Re: [Xman] They're going to drain Yuba! - by Fishrmn - 03-08-2003, 02:53 PM

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