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A project to save the Klamath

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The bags are packed and we're ready to go!

[Image: 13289.jpg]

Joining the trip to greet Warren Buffett in Omaha is a growing caravan of folks whose daily lives have been affected by the dams on the Klamath. One traveler will be Ronnie Pellegrini, whose family has been fishing for salmon from Eureka since 1910. Ronnie was recently made famous for putting her family on eBay to highlight the plight of fishermen and communities that rely on the Klamath salmon for their livelihood and survival. Representing the Klamath Basin tribes will be two huge redwood dugout canoes that have been traditionally used to fish the Klamath. Priests from the Karuk Tribe will fast on the pilgrimage to Omaha to build power for a healing ceremony. In Omaha tribal members will perform a "brush dance" and welcome Berkshire Hathaway shareholders to a salmon roast. The pilgrimage to draw attention to PacifiCorp's destructive dams will make stops in San Francisco, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, and of course Omaha.
To learn more about the campaign, [url ""]click here[/url].
But we've got some bad news too. Due to a perfect storm of logistical and insurance problems, the Pacific Coast salmon boat will not be able to make the whole trip to Omaha.
So if you are in San Francisco on Thursday the 26th, come to Pier 47 at 10am to join us to say "bon voyage" to our intrepid travelers. And/or join us at 10:30am on Friday the 27th in Sacramento on the Capitol's west steps, where California environmental officials will lend their support to the delegation.
This trip has been made possible by the donations of members like you. But a contribution made today can help us continue to bring public attention to the plight of the Klamath. [url ""]Please donate[/url].
Whether you can donate or not, [url ""]write[/url] to Warren Buffett to let him know that you agree that saving the Klamath is more important than a marginal addition to PacifiCorp's short-term profits. [left][Image: 10596.jpg] [url ""][#065550]Tell A Friend[/#065550][/url][/left]
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A project to save the Klamath - by Dryrod - 04-27-2007, 12:19 AM

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