03-16-2003, 05:27 PM
You guys are too funny. The fish were wipers. I dont know how deep it was in the actual south marina. I only fished in the channel next to the marina. I launched at the north marina. WH2, The west dike was where I got my fish. Nothing consistent though. What I like to see is a nice group of fish holding somewhere. If you find them you usually can go back to them each day until they move out into the bay for the rest of the year. A bitsy bug is a strike king skirted jig. I went black and blue with a pork trailer due to the murky water and overcast sky. I hav e found ealry season wipers are more about retrieve speed rather than lure selection. Greens, whites, blues, whatever, just cast it out there, let it sink for a bit and find the right retrieve speed. Of course that is once you have found the fish. Who knows where they will hold up this year. The last couple years things have really been abnormal compared to what used to be predicatable spring locations.