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Lindon Blowout 5-15-07
[cool][#0000ff]Whoa! Nice picture in your avatar, but you need to downsize it. Maximum is 150 pixels. Let me know if you need help.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I can't recall the last time I bought bait...other than a box of crawlers when I am too lazy to stay up past my early bedtime to chase them on my lawn.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I use both chubs and redside shiners, which I get with minnow traps or cast nets. And, I also use carp meat that I have filleted, skinned and cut into strips. If there is one thing I have proven to myself over the years about Utah catfish it is that they prefer fresh bait to "prepared" bait...or any of the stinky concoctions that work on some of the midwestern or southern waters. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you can find a source for Utah suckers (not the protected June suckers), they make great catfish bait too. So do the large chubs from Jordanelle.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Probably one of the most overlooked baits for catfish on Utah Lake (and Willard) are yellow perch. They are both legal and effective. Keep the bitty perch where they are plentiful and limits generous. Freeze them and use them whole...for both walleyes and cats. Scale and fillet larger perck, leaving the skin on, and use whole strips or chunks. These are great on "bobber jigs".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Two "commercial" baits that are good for cats are anchovies and mackerel. Sardines too, if you can find them fresh in the seafood market. Those ocean fishes are smelly and oily. Cats instinctively slurp them.[/#0000ff]

Messages In This Thread
Lindon Blowout 5-15-07 - by TubeDude - 05-15-2007, 10:09 PM
Re: [TubeDude] Lindon Blowout 5-15-07 - by road - 05-15-2007, 11:48 PM
Re: [road] Lindon Blowout 5-15-07 - by TubeDude - 05-16-2007, 11:55 AM
Re: [TubeDude] Lindon Blowout 5-15-07 - by road - 05-16-2007, 11:38 PM
Re: [jnbsigma] Lindon Blowout 5-15-07 - by road - 05-16-2007, 11:50 PM
Re: [TubeDude] Lindon Blowout 5-15-07 - by PDS - 05-16-2007, 02:11 PM
Re: [TubeDude] Lindon Blowout 5-15-07 - by Majja - 05-16-2007, 02:14 PM
Re: [Catfishgitter] Lindon Blowout 5-15-07 - by TubeDude - 05-16-2007, 05:26 PM

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