05-22-2007, 11:10 PM
Ya, we figured it probably wasn't worth the fuss, especially since there were about a zillion of 'em and only 2 of us. There was actually a big guy named Jim there by himself with a camper who'd been there all week who was a great neighbor. Before they arrived, he told us about a little trick he did occasionally to ward off unwanted company--he'd just walk around naked. Luckily he must have considered us favorable folk so he spared us the show! [
After the crowd showed up, however, we were kinda hoping he'd try to work his magic and re-establish some peace and harmony, but he didn't and I doubt it would have made much difference with them anyway as most of them were running around in their skimpies the whole time. What do ya do? Just live with it I guess. We were out on the lake most of the time anyway so the only really annoying part was at night.

After the crowd showed up, however, we were kinda hoping he'd try to work his magic and re-establish some peace and harmony, but he didn't and I doubt it would have made much difference with them anyway as most of them were running around in their skimpies the whole time. What do ya do? Just live with it I guess. We were out on the lake most of the time anyway so the only really annoying part was at night.