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Kayaking for Maryland Blue Crabs, 1st attempt!
[cool][#0000ff]Whassamatta you? Don'tcha watch TV (Most Dangerous Catch)? You need hydraulic winches and deckhands and all that stuff. Sheesh. Whatta rookie.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I can understand wanting to get those crabs. I have fished for them out of a float tube both in California and in Louisiana. The Louisiana crabs are the same blue crabs as you have on the upper Atlantic coast. I caught them in several places on baited lines. Once you locate a few you can just drop a well hooked hunk of fish meat down and wait until you feel them pulling on it. Then you bring it up slow and slip a landing net under them before they let go. If you need some extra "holding power", rig a hook and sinker in the middle of a big ball of used monofiiament. The crabs get their legs and claws tangled in the mono and can be more easily brought in. I used to catch lots of big California king crabs off the piers that way.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Bummer about losing the traps. Were they home made or store bought?[/#0000ff]

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Re: [JTingley] Kayaking for Maryland Blue Crabs, 1st attempt! - by TubeDude - 06-08-2007, 10:21 PM

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