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What are the differnet fish icons and how do I change mine?

Thank you theangler,

I just realized when I said 'board' what I really meant was 'a different website' and just 'one of their message boards to boot' ha ha! dumb dumb on me!

Another kind person clued me in on the fact you can click on your own name and get the number of posts one has made, etc.

This website has the best, closest knit, and most friendly bunch of moderators, and posters I have found to date. I love the fact I know I will probably not come across many posts that are being nasty to others. I might tell it like it is on a product but I hate personal attacks.

Again, thanks from a loyal member


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Re: [theangler] What are the differnet fish icons and how do I change mine? - by JapanRon - 03-22-2003, 03:17 AM

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