06-12-2007, 01:58 AM
hey all (Ima REAL noob) just got back into fishin again at 27, my main goal in fishin is just for pleasure for now, i never used to fish with anything other than live worms and crickets, i picked up an ultralight combo @ Wally-World and recently i got a StrikeKing Bitsy Minnow and a hardwire roostertail (Wordons?) to try and learn how to fish with somethin other than a tightline pole & livebait, and Ive been catchin WAYYY more Bluegill & Sunfish than id been gettin with red worms and nightcrawlers, is this typical ???, funny thing is i dont even know if im retrieving right? comin from a tightline cane pole 15+ years ago !! though i must admit its workin so far. FRom the prior posts here i dint see much talk bout the minnow cranks, does this just have somethin to do with the area im fishin? Any input appreciated [
