06-28-2007, 05:03 AM
SWEET! Mike McFarland is as you say REAL also, that is why we have bought so many of his blanks and even a pre made graphite.
On the more elaborate side, Bill Oyster from Oyster Bamboo is as cool as they come also. [/reply]
I'm not familiar with those two builders so I'll take your word for it, FG.
I'm real anxious to see/cast the Switch.. being a 4pc which I didn't really want in the first place has got me a bit on the sceptical side but after what Bruce and I might have worked out I'm more acceptable to it.. its going to be a little over kill for the gills but he'll be sending out a couple different lines with it for me to toss and tweak. If I like what I see/feel he'll be sending out a 10/11 Blue Water too[cool]
Pretty much threw towel in so I'm probably getting a run of the rack 4/5wt 9' 2pc now and removing the reel seat and cork and regripping with different cork.. sort of 'bass-ackwards' but .. filler and epoxy are our friends [
SWEET! Mike McFarland is as you say REAL also, that is why we have bought so many of his blanks and even a pre made graphite.
On the more elaborate side, Bill Oyster from Oyster Bamboo is as cool as they come also. [/reply]
I'm not familiar with those two builders so I'll take your word for it, FG.
I'm real anxious to see/cast the Switch.. being a 4pc which I didn't really want in the first place has got me a bit on the sceptical side but after what Bruce and I might have worked out I'm more acceptable to it.. its going to be a little over kill for the gills but he'll be sending out a couple different lines with it for me to toss and tweak. If I like what I see/feel he'll be sending out a 10/11 Blue Water too[cool]
Pretty much threw towel in so I'm probably getting a run of the rack 4/5wt 9' 2pc now and removing the reel seat and cork and regripping with different cork.. sort of 'bass-ackwards' but .. filler and epoxy are our friends [
