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No rod in my mouth
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"][cool][font "Poor Richard"][green]I wasn’t born with a fly rod in my mouth & my Mother was certainly glad of that. Anyhow when I first got into fly fishing I had no idea that there was more to it than buying a rod & reel. The fellow at the fly shop suggested an 8½’ 6wt rod with a wt. forward floating line. Got several flies that he suggested and off I went. Oh yes he did give me a 5 minute lesson on casting. First few times out I got skunked. I really didn't know what the heck I was doing. I know that there were cutts & bows present for I caught several with my spinning gear. I read up on fly casting, matching the hatch and everything in between. I finally started catching some fish. Several years later I bought a book on entomology so I could tell what the heck I was looking at and the flies that they represented. That process was too confusing for I didn’t have the patience to memorize all their names and physical form. So I then proceeded to concentrate with working with three insects at a time. They were the Mayfly, Stonefly & Caddis. I think of the Mayfly as having a majestic form, the stonefly as being flat as a stone and the caddis representing a tent. May sound silly but that is how I learn things by [/green][/font][/font][font "Times New Roman"][font "Poor Richard"][green]association. But what has really helped me gain a better appreciation for the sport is when I decided to tie my own flies. Prior to that I couldn’t tell you what the heck a marabou was or if dubbing had something to do with my stereo system. Maybe I don’t catch as many fish as when I was spin fishing but fly fishing is certainly a much more rewarding experience. Perhaps my story will help enlighten someone new to fly fishing for everyone has to start someplace[/green][/font].[/font][/size] [center]
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Messages In This Thread
No rod in my mouth - by Dryrod - 07-04-2007, 03:35 PM
Re: [Dryrod] No rod in my mouth - by Scruffy_Fly - 07-04-2007, 04:06 PM
Re: [Scruffy_Fly] No rod in my mouth - by Dryrod - 07-04-2007, 04:18 PM
Re: [Dryrod] No rod in my mouth - by birddogwi - 07-04-2007, 04:51 PM
Re: [birddogwi] No rod in my mouth - by Dryrod - 07-04-2007, 07:00 PM
Re: [Dryrod] No rod in my mouth - by macfly55 - 07-04-2007, 11:49 PM

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