07-09-2007, 07:41 PM
[cool][#0000ff]Email me a few of the ones you think might make good avatars. I will enhance them, crop them and size them to the right size and send them back. Then you can change them from time to time. It's kinda nice to have that option and a good way to share your past successes or favorite pics. Not everybody on BFT is a computer nerd. Us mods are happy to help where needed. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My email: [url "mailto:pscouten@comcast.net"]pscouten@comcast.net[/url] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My email: [url "mailto:pscouten@comcast.net"]pscouten@comcast.net[/url] [/#0000ff]