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Marsh Lake area 7/13 - 7/15
I spent a couple of days in the Uintah's in the Marsh lake area with my three boys and the grandparents. We did a little bit of shooting, hiking, but especially fishing. I can say that the fishing was slow everywhere we tried. We fished China lake and the water level was really low and the fishing slow. Ended up catching nothing but a few grayling, most only about 4-5 inches long, only one of decent size at 11". (When I got back home and checked the Division of Wildlife's stocking report, they had planted 8400 3" brook trout in the lake two days before. I'm sure anything of any size in the lake was full of small brookies.)

We took a drive over to Quarter Corner Lake and the water level was extremely low. It is very shallow to begin with, but out in the middle I guess it is deep enough to hold fish. They were jumping like crazy chasing damselflies on the wing. It was neat watching those rainbows leap clear out of the water trying to catch them. We caught enough to keep it interesting on flies and a few on bait. The lake has some freshwater shrimp in it so all the fish had pink meat and were very tasty for breakfast the next morning.

We also fished Marsh lake but it was slow as well. We caught a few out of there on flies and bait. The ones we caught were all bigger than anywhere else. They also had pink meat from the abundance of shrimp in there as well. In talking to other anglers, it looked like we were the only ones that had caught more than one or two.

The camping was nice though. It would get into the 70's during the day but would cool way down at night making for excellent sleeping weather. When we pulled back into the valley it was like a furnace blast when I opened the truck door. The kids all had a great time and we are looking forward to the next outing.

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Marsh Lake area 7/13 - 7/15 - by PDS - 07-18-2007, 05:50 PM

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