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Gorge 7/26/07 with TarponJim-pics added
Finally got the chance to get out with Jim Williams yesterday at the Gorge with my favorite fishing partner-my wife Kori and her dad Dave. We were a little worried with the recent unsettled weather, but it cooperated all day. The road from Mtn. View towards Manilla was all torn up, but we took it slow and made it fine. Launched at 6:30 a.m. to a light chop on the water. It lasted until about 8:30 a.m. and then laid down nice and flat until we left at 3:00 p.m. None of it was any trouble because of the way Jim handled the boat, flawlessly. Within the first ten minutes Kori got the infamous Gorge "bonk" and it was fish on. The 21 lb toad put up an awesome fight. She was one happy girl. When she landed that fish I leaned over to my father-in-law and told him that if we had to go home right then I would go home happy, and truly meant it. Her dad was next up to bat with a 16 lb fish that also fought really well. I am embarrased to say that by this point I had missed a good 4-5 bites with all swings and misses. Fishing these fish was completely different from what I am used to. I knew that going in from all of the previous posts here by guys that have fished with Jim and figured that I would not have a problem. Boy, was I wrong! Those fish will humble anybody! I finally hooked up next and got it all the way to the net. It went 19 lbs. Beautiful fish. Dave finished out the day with the biggest fish-25 lbs! What a way to end the day. All fish were VERY fat and HEALTHY. Despite popular belief, those macs are doing just fine in there. The only thing that might be hurting them is all of the pressure. A lot of boats our for a mid week fish. All of our fish had multiple hook marks in their mouths, some up to 5-6. I have never fished such educated fish. It was amazing to watch Jim work with those fish. He knew exactly how to fish depending on the reaction of the fish on the electronics. Thanks again to Jim for a top notch day and the best fishing partners. Looking forward to next year. Pics coming soon. Jake

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Gorge 7/26/07 with TarponJim-pics added - by sliverslinger - 07-27-2007, 03:01 PM

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