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going after pike in redmond utah
hey dude if you want to catch pike at redmond or yuba (note yuba has bigger pike than redmond) there are alot in the sevier river to between redmond and yuba as well.. but redmond as some big bass as well as the pike and they are caught around the same places.. try krocodile's of every colors tell you find the one they want or a red and white dardevle with a gold back(not silver) i have done well with repala fat rap's there to and have done well with blue fox #5 vibrex gold or black.. i am thinking on going down some time in the next week's and see if the bass are on there bed's yet.. the lake is on hot springs so it dont frezz and the bass stay active all year now is a good time for geting bass a pike there....

from the fuzzyfisher-------------------------fish on dudes

Messages In This Thread
going after pike in redmond utah - by nomoose - 03-27-2003, 07:34 PM
Re: [Curtisfish] going after pike in redmond utah - by fuzzyfisher - 03-27-2003, 11:58 PM

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