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BFT Sea Weed Poll - Democratic Nomination
I think John Edwards would get my vote for the nomination.

A few interesting proposals from John Edwards:


-Wants to raise minimum wage to $9.50 by 2012.
-Wants to crackdown on payday and other predatory loans. (I like this)
-Triple the earned income credit for single adults and eliminate the marriage penalty.
-A new "Get Ahead" tax credit to match up to $500 a year in savings for families earning up to $75,000.
-Universal health care coverage due to how expensive drugs and health care are (I find this comical. If he didn't spend his entire law career sueing doctors and hospitals then maybe health care wouldn't be so expensive)


-Wants all American combat troops out of Iraq in 12-18 months through a gradual drawdown (from now)
-Feels that by leaving Iraq, it will put pressure on the rest of the international community to help (we'll see)
-Wants to incent Iran to stop making nuclear weapons (I thought we didn't negotiate with terrorists or their supporters... their president is a real nut job)

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Re: [davetclown] BFT Sea Weed Poll - Democratic Nomination - by Flycasting - 08-18-2007, 01:36 PM

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